Distance Learning

Unit 8 : Changing Places
16th March, 2020
Student book, pages 122, 123
Workbook, pages 58

Read the meaning of these three verbs. 

Emigrate :to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one.

Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.

Immigrate : to come to live in a different country.

He immigrated with his parents in 1895 and grew up on Long Island.

Migrate :When an animal migrates, it travels to a different place, usually when the season changes.
These animals migrate annually in search of food.
In September, these birds migrate 2,000 miles south to a warmer climate.

Answer the questions in the Workbook page 58. 

Use each of these six words in sentences of your own.
  1. emigrate
  2. immigrate
  3. migrate
  4. emigration
  5. immigration
  6. migration

17th March, 2020
Opinion Paragraph/Migration
The statue of Liberty id a symbol of Freedom. Read what is written about it in the Student book page 123. 

People Leave their countries to go to new and different countries for many reasons like, employment(jobs), better education, better social life, safety, natural disasters and hazards, wars, poverty and many others. 

Use the following slide to help you arrange your paragraph.

Date : 18th March, 2020
Day : Wednesday 
Shauzia's Dream 
Student book, pages 126-127

Highlight the following words in the text

The name of the book is Mud city 
The main character is Shauzia

The story is taking place in Pakistan

Image result for pakistan and afghanistan map

The following video is an introduction to the text.

Read the text pages 126-127 and answer the following questions.

Day : Thursday
Date : 19th March, 2020
Possessive Apostrophes
Workbook page 59

 Answer page 59 in the workbook

Answer page 60 in the Workbook

Read the text Hero's Journey in the student book page 128-129

Write elaborate sentences using the following words from the text.

Workbook, page 61 
Explain what each participles highlighted below, in the extract from the poem 'Alien Abduction", add to the description of the noun.
For example, contained in the first one means it is a separate country from Europe and the rest of the world.

Answers of ( workbook, page 65)


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  2. Do we have to send both tasks, and all upcoming tasks in the following days to your email?

    1. yes please, and the next day you will find the answers under the questions for the self correction.
